I'd like to increase wallet size, all ammo bags, weapon FOV and more things. So I wonder, what would you guys like to mod in Far Cry 4? The Far Cry 4 GamePack has many unique features, including Mods customized specifically for vehicles, such as Vehicle Rapid Fire and Vehicle Burst Fire. It is still difficult to do mods yourself right now due to the Dunia 2 unpacker tool isn't optimized for Far Cry 4 yet. I'm looking forward to researching other mostly untouched games in the future and would recommend other developers wanting to test their skills do so as well.The guys at nexusforums have already began to mod Far Cry 4. I left print coordinates in there so people could request teleport locations that I may get around to adding someday.

Because of this, the menu cannot be used in vehicles, safe zones, and other situations in which camera and weapon usage is limited. Without raw button input I was able to use the angle of the player's camera and the player's melee to control it. It uses the mission objective box for drawing text so the menu base has to combine all the options, title, scroller, and credits to a single string. The natives related to drawing are all just empty functions and I was unable to get raw button input, which makes the menu base rather interesting. It is the successor to the 2012 video game Far Cry 3.

However, it is not nearly in-depth and from my attempts to hook a few natives, I realized it may be left-over debug code. Far Cry 4 is a 2014 first-person shooter game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. As I have previously stated, FC4 has a native system similar to GTA's. Far Cry 4 is also a game that very little has been done for (modding wise) which makes the challenge all the more exciting. This was an interesting and fun experiment to try working on a different game than GTA V.